Leadership & Counselling
Graham has been involved in national and international leadership development for many years. With thirty-eight years experience as a travelling minister he has gained valuable insights into the vital role leaders have for church growth. Biblical leadership and core values are at the heart of every good leader. When invited, Graham will visit existing leaderships to assess, develop and enhance their roles in the faith community, This involves trouble shooting, critical thinking, Biblical understanding of leadership, goal setting and planning the way forward.
Graham and Wanda have contributed to and counselled many individuals and groups over the years. For two decades they conducted their popular Growing Great Relationship Seminars and reached thousands in New Zealand and overseas.
They are still available to counsel on a one to one and couple basis.

Christian Community Churches of New Zealand
In 2015 Graham was part of an inaugural board that met to discuss, pray and plan for a way to unite the autonomous Open Brethren Churches in New Zealand. With wide consultation, the CCCNZ Board was established to support, encourage and grow the churches in this network. Graham remained on the Board until there was a well established commitment to serve all churches that would link in to CCCNZ. It has been encouraging to see the enthusiasm and harmony of these connected churches as they work together to reach their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.