Activities & Ideas

Many churches struggle to come up with ideas on how to reach their communities for Christ. Here are some of the best ideas that Graham has been involved with - that work!

Cultural Cuisine:

An evening where several nationalities cooked their cultural food. The guests were invited to taste and to get all recipes. Evangelistic Message - Acts 10:34-35 "God does not show favouritism but accepts people from every nation who fear Him and do what is right."

Church in the Park/Church under the stars:

An evening outdoor presentation where the church puts on anything from a musical presentation, to live testimonies. Always follow up with a picnic or BBQ which gives people the opportunity to stay and chat.

Youth Talent Quest:

Place an advertisement in your local newspaper announcing a Talent Quest with prizes e.g Stereo, Electronic gear, vouchers etc. Most big stores will give you the prizes at cost or even donate them if you explain this activity is for the Youth of the town. Evangelistic Message - John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this than he lays down his life for his friends"

Garden Tour:

Invite your friends and neighbours who are interested in a town Garden Tour and do just that. Serve afternoon tea or cold drinks, or Devonshire Tea. Evangelistic Message Genesis 2:8-17 "God planted a garden....he put the man in it...."

Family Square Dance

Place an advertisement in your local newspaper inviting families to a fun evening of Square Dancing. Hire a Square Dancing Club to come and run the evening. Have your speaker before supper. Evangelistic Message Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Pumpkin Patch Parade:

Pumpkin Patch Parade: The Pumpkin Patch Clothing Company are prepared to host children's fashion parades by providing a host/hostess with children's clothing to be modeled by children. They also send catalogues for guests to browse through as the children are walking the catwalk. Mothers and Grandmothers are very much attracted to this type of event. Evangelistic Message - Luke 12:27-28 "Consider how the lilies grow...God clothes the grass of the much more will He clothe you".

A Panel Discussion:

Choose a relevant subject. Death, Cancer, Marriage, Divorce, Parenting, Suicide, Abuse etc, and advertise a panel of people who are prepared to answer questions on such subjects. Try to include a professional (Dr), a well known Community identity and a strong Christian who is in the middle of the subject.

Premiere Presentations:

Hire the local movie theatre and screen a free showing of "Jesus", "Prince Of Egypt", "Toy Story 2", "The Passion".

Show a Rugby Test:

Video an All Blacks match and show it on a large screen at 8am the next morning. Have a "Black-Out" competition (Kids dressed in black) and award prizes at half time. Provide breakfast. Evangelistic Message - 1 Cor. 15:3 "I passed on to you what was important...."

Children’s Outreaches:

  • Sports days
  • Triathalons
  • Beach Party
  • After School programmes
  • Top Team Event
  • Craft Clubs
  • Rallies
  • Homework Help Groups

Youth Outreaches:

Virtually every activity that has either sport or food will attract teenagers.
  • Touch Seven’s tournaments
  • Volleyball tournaments
  • Mixed Indoor Netball / Indoor Cricket competitions
  • Community Raft Races
  • Cafe Night
  • Music and Young People are synonymous......
  • Concerts & Bands will always draw a crowd.
  • Camps, (Adventure, Summer, Winter etc.)
"When it comes to an evangelism which will have real impact, the big question is: Who are we trying to reach, and what will be relevant to them? We need to become skilful interpreters of the gospel to a diverse modern culture so that it speaks to them in a variety of different ways as good news."

Ladies Outreaches:

  • Makeup evening:
  • Invite a makeup specialist to talk, discuss and display cosmetics.
  • Evangelistic Message - 1 Peter 3:3... Inner beauty
  • Flower arrangement evening:
  • House and Garden evening:
  • Home decorating and maintenance evening:
  • Coffee morning:
  • Coffee & Desert evening:
  • Personal Health / Plunket / Public health nurse, District nurse
  • Hobby night - Invite specialist folk to display their hobbies. e.g, knitting, collections, computer, tools etc

Men's Outreaches

  • Men's Bowling night:
  • Men's Billiards night:
  • Golf day: Play 1st 9 holes / lunch & message play 2nd 9 holes
  • Men and their Sheds.....visit local garages etc
  • Hobby night - Invite specialist folk to display their hobbies. e.g, wood turning, collections, computer, tools etc
  • Pancake Breakfasts......
  • Men's a Cafe
  • Men's health night / Invite a Dr / Health or Fitness person.

Senior Citizen activities:

Sing-A-Longs.......invite folk from Retirement Villages and Rest Homes for an afternoon tea with some items and maybe even a Scottish Piper. Evangelistic Message - Ecclesiasties 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time He has also set eternity in the hearts of men"


  • Family Dinners
  • Single Parent Dinners
  • Couples Dinners
  • Men's Dinners
  • Ladies Dinner
  • International Dinner - Variety of foods
  • Business Dinner
  • Neighbourhood BBQ
  • Youth Banquets - Viking Style (no forks, just knives), Hangi's
One day a lady criticized D.L. Moody for his methods of evangelism in attempting to win people to the Lord. Moody's reply was, "I agree with you. I don't like the way I do it either. Tell me, how do you do it?" The lady replied, "I don't do it." Moody retorted, "Then I like my way of doing it better than your way of not doing it".

Solomon Pt-2

February 4, 2025
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